• As of September 1, 2024: $325 for 1 hour ice time + 1 hour use of snack bar dining area for gathering after ice time.

  • CMA does not provide food/drink for the parties, but we can provide fridge space, if needed while attendees are skating.

  • Date/time based on ice availability - call or email ahead to schedule!

  • Rental skates included

  • Skate training aides included, if needed.

  • It is highly recommended that ALL participants bring their own helmets (if needed) - CMA does NOT provide helmets.

  • Only people allowed on the ice are people with skates - walking in shoes is not permitted.  Children/babies cannot be carried or brought on the ice without skates.

  • Junior Pro skaters available to run on-ice games, help birthday party attendees - $20 per Jr Pro 

  • Call: 508.255.5902 or Email: to set up at day and time for your birthday!